Already I can build from these three alone, that my audience would favor reading something that pertains to family, holds a positive outlook towards the individual and even shows an interest in fictional dramas. I use the word drama loosely to represent fictional media, movies, television series, daytime dramas, etc.
The age groups vary in range and there are a number of other slight differences between the individuals here and there, such as who would be a the most desired mentor, though some shared the same interests. This difference would not create a problem for my writing, as each individual chose someone the believe to be wise or of good influence.
I believe that some of my writings in this area of study (outside of fictional writing and writing for a broad audience) would require a positive approach; though that could depend on the subject of the writings.
I think what surprised me the most from these discussion board posts, was not entirely the responses of the audience, but the realization of how little television I watch these days. I was interested in each persons post about who would be their mentors, though I wasn't sure how to group that at first for use of writing. Reading over each persons super power desire was another interesting post. I think there is an amount of information that can be gleaned from a persons response to what they want their super power to be. Which now that I think of it could also be a factor in deciding how to write for the audience. Maybe not as a whole, but towards groups. I believe however, that I should stick to writing for the entire audience and not just niches here and there.
What an interesting assignment.
Good summary and emerging analysis - move to analysis by asking why. Why did people answer the way that they did? What does this all mean. Defining the meaning will bring you to analysis. ~Ms. A.