Yay! So today the pen was found! For those not following, it is the stylus pen to my wacom tablet. This tablet allows me to draw directly into graphic design programs much like I'd draw on paper. The family left today to do some photography work while I stayed at home and caught up on the old homework. After awhile of being at the desk and staring at a computer of text for far too long, I opened a tab to deviantart.com and began browsing my notifications of new art from artists that I watch. There was some really good stuff to be seen! I clicked someone's link to a Youtube video of them drawing. After a few minutes I'd had it. The search resumed with a vengeance!
I began in the garage thinking that maybe my pen got stuck in a box or somewhere between my books on the bookshelves.I removed the books one by one and found nothing! I continued digging through each and every box that a pen by chance might find it's way into the box. Still, I found nothing. I continued through cabinets and drawers, through room after room.
Finally, I decided to flip a recliner over. I had searched through it a number of times already, but still it felt like the right thing to do. As the recliner flipped, I heard something fall. I quickly looked under to see what had fallen. Lo and behold, the stylus of destiny, the stylus of art yet to come!
As I sat down to draw something out for some relax time, nothing came to me. I stared blankly at my computer and couldn't believe that the inspiration that I'd had the days prior, minus my pen, was gone. Sigh. Such the way it goes sometimes.
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